

Journal Papers (since 2013)

Sarra Oumrani, Aymeric Histace, Einas Abou Ali, Olivia Pietri, Aymeric Becq, Guy Houist, Isabelle Nion-Larmurier, Marine Camus, Christian Florent, Xavier Dray, Multi-criterion, automated, high-performance, rapid tool for assessing mucosal visualization quality of still images in small bowel capsule endoscopy, Endoscopy International Open 2019, 07 (08),E944-E948.

Romain Leenhardt, Pauline Vasseur, Cynthia Li, Gabriel Rahmi, Franck Cholet, Jean-Christophe Saurin, Xavier Amiot, Michel Delvaux, Clotilde Duburque, Geoffroy Vanbiervliet, Romain Gerard, Jean-Philippe Le Mouel, Chloé Leandri, Stéphane Lecleire, Farida Mesli, Isabelle Nion-Larmurier, Sylvie Sacher-Huvelin, Philippe Marteau, Camille Simon, Pierre Jacob, Olivier Romain, Aymeric Histace, Xavier Dray, A neural network algorithm for detection of GI angiectasia during small-bowel capsule endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2019, 89 (1),189-194.

Einas Abou Ali, Aymeric Histace, Marine Camus, R. Gerometta, Aymeric Becq, Isabelle Nion-Larmurier, Ulriikka Chaput, Philippe Marteau, Olivier Romain, Christian Florent, Xavier Dray. Development and Validation of a Computed Assessment of Cleansing Score For Evaluation of the Quality of Small-bowel Visualization in Capsule Endoscopy, Endoscopy International Open 2018, 6 (6), E646-E651.

Olivia Pietri, Gada Rezgui, Aymeric Histace, Marine Camus, Isabelle Nion-Larmurier, Einas Abou Ali, Aymeric Becq, Olivier Romain, Ulriikka Chaput, Philippe Marteau, Christian Florent, Xavier Dray, Development and Validation of a Highly Sensitive and Specific Automated Algorithm to Evaluate the Abundance of Bubbles in Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy, Endoscopy International Open 2018, 6 (4), pp.E462-E469.

Aymeric Becq, Aymeric Histace, Marine Camus, Isabelle Nion-Larmurier, Einas Abou Ali, Olivia Pietri, Olivier Romain, Ulriikka Chaput, Cynthia Li, Philippe Marteau, Christian Florent, Xavier Dray, Development of a Computed Cleansing Score to Assess the Quality of Bowel Preparation in Colon Capsule Endoscopy, Endoscopy International Open 2018, 06 (07), E844-E850.

Jorge Bernal, Aymeric Histace, Marc Masana, Quentin Angermann, Cristina Sánchez, Cristina Rodríguez de miguel, Maroua Hammami, Ana Garcia-Rodriguez, Henry Córdova, Olivier Romain, Gloria Fernández-Esparrach, Xavier Dray, F. Javier Sánchez, GTCreator: a flexible annotation tool for image-based datasets, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14(2), 191-201.

Leila Meziou, Aymeric Histace, Frédéric Precioso, Olivier Romain, Xavier Dray, Bertrand Granado, Bogdan Matuszewski, Computer-Assisted Segmentation of Videocapsule Images Using Alpha-Divergence-Based Active Contour In The Framework of Intestinal Pathologies Detection, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2014, 428583 (10 p.)

Juan S. Silva, Aymeric Histace, Olivier Romain, Xavier Dray, Bertrand Granado, Towards embedded detection of polyps in WCE images for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2014, 9 (2)283-293.

Book Chapters (since 2013)

Quentin Angermann, Aymeric Histace, Olivier Romain, Xavier Dray, Andrea Pinna, Bertrand Granado, Smart Videocapsule for Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer: Toward Embedded Image Analysis, Springer. Computational Intelligence in Digital and Network Designs and Applications, 2 (Chapter 12), pp.325-350, 2015, Part 2: Digital, Network Designs and Applications, 978-3-319-20071-2.